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After approval from the board of directors, given on the 26th April 2016, the University of Turin completed, during the course of 2016, a reorganisation of its technical and administrative services.

The entire University has been reorganised into a series of centres; the new model has seen the creation of a single University administration and seven area centres (CLE Centre, Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Centre, Natural Sciences Centre, Economy and Management Centre, Medicine Centre Orbassano and Candiolo, Medicine Centre Turin, Humanities Centre) as the organisational offices which will service the departments, schools, special educational organisations and research centres and which will function alongside the Main University administration centre.              

The new organisational structure came into effect on the 1st January 2017. Web site information will, as such, be gradually updated.

Staff can find further information on the reorganisation of the University intranet at the following link Ateneo e organizzazione >> Riorganizzazione di unito 2017 (password access required). 

Update 2016.12.31


Last update: 21/09/2018 23:31

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