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Fulbright: new a.y.24-25 calls for applications available

Published: Friday, July 21, 2023

The new Fulbright calls for applications for the 24-25 academic year have been published

The calls for applications are open to Italian citizens who are:
- Graduates (Laurea Triennale, Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale or Laurea VO including DAMS graduates);
- Graduates from Art or Music Academies;
- Research assistants, university researchers, associate professors, contract professors, independent scholars.


The Fullbright advisors are available to organise virtual information sessions on studying in the USA and Fulbright opportunities, if interested please contact them directly:

North-Central Italy: Laura Cambriani
South Italy: Federica Di Martino

For further

Last update: 31/07/2023 10:21

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