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DSTF international research | Phenoils project for a innovative and healthier extra virgin olive oil

Published: Thursday, April 30, 2020

The DSTF – UNITO will work throughout 2020 on the European project Phenoils, in which the implementation of new processing technologies for a healthier virgin olive oil extraction will be investigated. This R&D project has been funded by the EIT Food, a pan-European consortium that focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector, as an EIT Regional Innovation Scheme Challenge.

The Phenoils project consortium is made up of five partners: Acesur (leader), Instituto de la Grasa (CSIC), Fraunhofer Technology Centre, University of Turin and Energy Pulses Systems (EPS) company.

One of the main goals of this project is to increase the content of tocopherols, polyphenols and other bioactive compounds in EVOO thanks to new extraction technologies in mill such as: ultrasound (US), hydrodynamic cavitation (HC), and pulsed electric fields technology (PEF). Synergistic effects of these technologies are expected. This will increase the nutritional properties of EVOO with positive effects in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome.

A higher content of minor compounds with antioxidant properties should also positively influence the shelf life of EVOO. To this end, several SMEs have been involved in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece, where the production of EVOO play an important economical role.

Besides the business opportunities for the companies involved, the expected results will have a beneficial impact on the consumers thanks to the higher nutritional quality of EVOO. In addition, educational programs will be carried out to support producers and to provide new knowledges to students from several European countries.

More informationa at the website of the project



Last update: 30/04/2020 18:44

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